Hi there,
I’m Jodi…
Licensed Therapist, Coach, Podcaster, Writer, & Love Addiction Expert.*
*I’m an expert on my own love addiction recovery and have worked extensively with Pia Mellody’s treatment model—now I want to help YOU become an expert on your recovery.
What is Love Addiction?
Love addiction is much more complex and dynamic than the name implies, and it has very little to do with healthy adult love. It’s a painful set of dysfunctional behaviors rooted in developmental trauma (less than nurturing events experienced during childhood within our family of origin) as well as the societal and cultural conditioning we’re subjected to from infancy. My free assessment outlines a few of of the relationship patterns, beliefs and behaviors that correspond with addictive relationships.
Three Symptoms of Love Addiction
Pia Mellody’s
Assigning too much value to another person & making them more valuable than yourself
Neglecting or undervaluing yourself while you’re in a relationship
Expecting unconditional positive regard from another person in adult relationships
In the summer of 2016, I was 46 years old and reeling from yet another breakup.
I had experienced this kind of pain many times over the previous two decades, but this one was different for the following reasons: I was tired of going through this; I realized I was playing a part in my pattern; and I found a therapist who taught me about love addiction (aka the reason for years of heartache).
Along with intensive therapy, my therapist coached and supported me through withdrawal and 90 days of no-contact, a painful but necessary part of my recovery journey. This experience led me to whole-heartedly value myself for the first time, and to the work of Pia Mellody.
Pia’s work changed my life and I wanted to learn more, so I trained in her treatment model at The Meadows in Arizona and brought this model into my therapy and coaching practice. After working with numerous women struggling with love addiction, I created my signature online program, Understanding Love Addiction, in order to reach more women in need.