Journals of a Love Addict

The Podcast

Do you…

Continually find yourself in dysfunctional relationships?

Undervalue yourself while putting others on a pedestal?

Have a pattern of dating emotionally unavailable partners?

Yes? I can totally relate.

On my podcast, Journals of a Love Addict, I share my personal journey through love addiction recovery, and my experience as a therapist.

I also talk with others who have struggled, as well as experts in trauma, addiction, and other areas of mental health.

My hope is to help listeners feel less alone as I spread awareness of what love addiction is really all about.

Music by JD Pendley

Jodi White Jodi White

Episode 51: Sketchy Psychics

In this episode, my friend Brooke and I share stories of seeking comfort from psychics, why we might look for guidance in such places, and put so much trust in someone we don't even know.

When an addictive relationship ends, we can find ourselves feeling wobbly, uncertain, and very vulnerable. We might seek therapy, the help of a support group, or even guidance from someone who SAYS they have the solution to our problem and can make the pain go away.

In this episode, my friend Brooke and I share stories of seeking comfort from psychics, why we might look for guidance in such places, and put so much trust in someone we don't even know.

Show notes & resources:

Music by JD Pendley

Jodi's website:

Disclaimer: This podcast is shared for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for mental health treatment with a licensed mental health professional or to be used in place of the advice of a physician. If you are struggling please don't delay in seeking the assistance of a licensed mental health practitioner or healthcare professional. If you're in crisis please visit or call 1-800-273-TALK for 24-hour assistance.

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Jodi White Jodi White

Episode 50: A Recovery Story with Heidi Kingston, LCSW

In this episode, I talk with another therapist in recovery, Heidi Kingston, regarding her personal experience with love addiction, the ups and downs of her own recovery journey, and what she's learned along the way.

We often think of recovery as something we start, and then everything gets better. But everyone's path to recovery is unique, and truth is that once we do get started, things might actually get harder before they get easier.

In this epsiode, I talk with another therapist in recovery, Heidi Kingston, regarding her personal experience with love addiction, the ups and downs of her own recovery journey, and what she's learned along the way.

Show notes & resources:

Music by JD Pendley

Jodi's website:

Heidi's website

Pia Mellody books referenced: Facing Love Addiction and Breaking Free

The Meadows workshop referenced: Survivors

Disclaimer: This podcast is shared for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for mental health treatment with a licensed mental health professional or to be used in place of the advice of a physician. If you are struggling please don't delay in seeking the assistance of a licensed mental health practitioner or healthcare professional. If you're in crisis please visit or call 1-800-273-TALK for 24-hour assistance.

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Jodi White Jodi White

Episode 47: A Therapist's Story with Leah Hoffman

It can be easy to assume that therapists have it together in life and relationships, but when it comes to attachment--and love addiction--no one is immune. And because hearing from a therapist who 'gets it' can be very helpful for those of us in recovery, I invited therapist and coach, Leah Hoffman, to the podcast to share her recent experience with the cycle of love addiction and what she's learned from it.

It can be easy to assume that therapists have it together in life and relationships, but when it comes to attachment--and love addiction--no one is immune. And because hearing from a therapist who 'gets it' can be very helpful for those of us in recovery, I invited therapist and coach, Leah Hoffman, to the podcast to share her recent experience with the cycle of love addiction and what she's learned from it.

Show notes & resources:

Leah's website:

Music by JD Pendley

Jodi's website:

Disclaimer: This podcast is shared for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for mental health treatment with a licensed mental health professional or to be used in place of the advice of a physician. If you are struggling please don't delay in seeking the assistance of a licensed mental health practitioner or healthcare professional. If you're in crisis please visit or call 1-800-273-TALK for 24-hour assistance.

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Jodi White Jodi White

Episode 46: Setting Boundaries That Stick with Jules Taylor Shore

In this episode, I talk with therapist and boundaries expert Juliane (Jules) Taylor Shore about her new book, "Setting Boundaries That Stick" (you may remember Jules from EP31, "All About Boundaries"). Jules shares six steps to setting an external boundary, the importance of a pause and paying attention to feelings, why hard conversations are so challenging, why we struggle with self-compassion, and why growth comes with grief.

One of the hard parts of recovery--and life--is having difficult conversations, especially those that come with a chance of discord, being seen as the 'bad guy', or simply feeling uncomfortable. When confronted with having hard conversations, it can seem 'easier' to avoid them...but also less functional, and avoiding can lead to resentment and feeling stuck.

But there's good reason for the discomfort: In this episode of the podcast, I talk about this with therapist and boundaries expert Juliane (Jules) Taylor Shore and her new book, "Setting Boundaries That Stick" (you may remember Jules from EP31, "All About Boundaries"). Jules shares six steps to setting an external boundary, as well as the importance of a pause and paying attention to feelings; why hard conversations are so challenging; why we struggle with self-compassion, and why growth comes with grief.

Show notes & resources:

Information about Jules Taylor Shore and her Instagram.

Purchase "Setting Boundaries That Stick" by Jules Taylor Shore

EP31: All About Boundaries with Jules Taylor Shore

Music by JD Pendley

Jodi's website:

Disclaimer: This podcast is shared for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for mental health treatment with a licensed mental health professional or to be used in place of the advice of a physician. If you are struggling please don't delay in seeking the assistance of a licensed mental health practitioner or healthcare professional. If you're in crisis please visit or call 1-800-273-TALK for 24-hour assistance.

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Jodi White Jodi White

Episode 45: The Hard Parts

It's hard to be still sometimes, especially in a culture that constantly tells you to get moving, to achieve, and perform. In this episode, I talk about a few of the hard parts of recovery…

It's hard to be still sometimes, especially in a culture that constantly tells you to get moving, to achieve, to perform--plus being still often comes with all the feelings...and feeling our feelings can be hard, too.

In this episode, I talk about a few of the hard parts of recovery, including difficult conversations, how I view past shameful experiences, and the reality of joy in recovery.

Show notes & resources:

Information about Emily Nagoski

The Principles of Pleasure on Netflix (trailer)

The Robcast episode referenced (#365)

Danielle Laporte

Music by JD Pendley

Jodi's website:

Disclaimer: This podcast is shared for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for mental health treatment with a licensed mental health professional or to be used in place of the advice of a physician. If you are struggling please don't delay in seeking the assistance of a licensed mental health practitioner or healthcare professional. If you're in crisis please visit or call 1-800-273-TALK for 24-hour assistance.

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